Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Penang Mini Maker Faire 2016

yes! it was in 2016, happening in Penang, free entry with reservation via Peatix.
1. the "Mansion" we stayed.

2. The great buddies we gathered.

3. The food trucks we fuel-ed up.
 4. The curiosity begun. The door we entered.

5. The pre-booked workshops we peep, browsed, hijacked and learned.

urgh..bad angle of snapshot. ugly muggly muff me.

6. the map we discovered, after half-way through. too small to see, A4 size and too high for me-nions.

Soldering activity - a free flow for 12 and above I think, my this superhero insisted, so I let him be.

7. Maker or Gardener? both applies here.

Newspaper pot we fold. The green leaf we grow. Awesome sow the fruits will show.  

8. Oh ho! Makey-makey makes us happy!

Many more things cling us from flee.  (heh, I'm trying to exaggerate a bit, but yes, we stayed here from morning till almost evening)

9. 3Doodler - Looks like the spectacles is proud to have a new owner.

 10. Serious learning & pitching here. How I wish there's some one to take care of my minions so I can sit, read & listen to the pitch.
 Some proud Makers here!!

11. Cosplay at play, be careful or he will slay!

 12. Err..no free ride...stay at the side.
 13. Free choice learning. Free Discovery for the shorter people who will  always curious about EVERYTHING!!!

back to our mansion and...

received the best & memorable souvenir ever! that leave a scar! :( 

Designing a Bridge

A quick, lazy post from me... on how Engineering Design Process took place at a school in Kuantan...

 Human chair demonstrates the concept. in this case, stability is determined by size of the person and the position which interlock 4 of the students together.

Engineer(s) work together with Artisan, Craftsman and Technician to design and build the bridge.
Guess what were they discussing about??
Getting their hands-on and keeping the minds-on and hearts-on!


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